Tidewater Herring Roe

There are many species of herring in the ocean, however Tidewater Herring Roe is processed using the eggs of the river herring. This species is harvested during March and early April. The roe sacks are carefully removed, washed and processed in hermetically sealed cans to provide at least a five year shelf life.

River herring spawn in the fresh water areas of East Coast rivers and the fingerlings return to the ocean for three to four years to mature sexually. When they are mature, they return to the same river to spawn. Because of poor water quality and the impact that offshore factory ships from foreign countries had on our river herring, many rivers are currently closed for harvest as natural stocks rebuild.

The availability of Tidewater Herring Roe is limited in quantity because most of these rivers are closed for harvest. As more of these rivers rebuild in abundance and are opened for harvest, future availability and pricing may be better.

We appreciate your continued use of Tidewater Herring Roe—a truly unique product.

Tidewater Herring Roe Process


Washing and grading herring roe before the filling, canning, and cooking process.

Herring roe filling process.

Herring roe is preheated before the closing machine seams the lid.

These pressure retorts are used to process canned herring roe.


Lake Packing Co., Inc.
755 Lake Landing Drive
Lottsburg, VA 22511




We're a 4th generation family owned business established in Lottsburg, Virginia.